Overview of Chronic Diseases

China has entered a period of high burden by chronic diseases, mainly including cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, diabetes and hypertension, etc. clinically. According to surveys, there are more than 260 million patients suffered from chronic diseases in China, about 80% of the aged  having one kind of the disease at least, and most of the them are incurable but be gradually released and modified by improvement of self-management ability of health of patients and dependents.

Current Situation of Chronic Diseases in China

20%    Patients of chronic diseases in China has reached more than 280 million, accounting for 20% of total population.

80%   Over 80% of patients in China died of chronic diseases with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, cancer and chronic respiratory disease as the major causes.

70%    The burden of chronic diseases has been over 70% in total disease burden.

60%    Etiology for over 60% patients are rooted in bad lifestyle, and the patients are getting younger.

* Mainly resourced from 2015 China Internet Chronic Disease Manage Market Report and Chinese Residents Nutrition and Chronic Disease Status Report (2015).

At present, chronic disease management industry is still in the early stage of development:

However, chronic disease management, in the near future, will provide potential patients and existing patients services in a more scientific and effective way due to increasingly matured medical technology, rapid development of mobile Internet, non-instant deadliness and long treatment cycle of chronic diseases and gradual improvement of utilization rate of medical resources, 

Risk factors of chronic diseases are not only limited to the above mentioned behaviors. Take cancer as an example, increase of cancer incidence in China is half caused by aging of population, while other reasons include chronic infection, unhealthy lifestyle, environmental pollution and occupational exposure, etc. Interaction and interplay of the various factors lead to a quite complicated pathogenesis. Practice shows,however that chronic diseases are controllable, preventable and treatable, requiring not only guidance of government and coordination of various departments but also extensive participation of the whole society. Most of heart disease, stroke, Type 2 diabetes and hypertension and even some cancers can be effectively prevented by changing unhealthy lifestyles and cultivating good habit like reasonable diet, adequate exercise, smoking cessation and alcohol limiting.

We are committed to ensure professional medical management service of chronic diseases that covers the whole population.

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