New Element is committed to providing accurate, precise and personalized chronic disease management. Chronic disease mall created by New Element will become a center for experiencing chronic disease management of the highest level, and will be the management of chronic diseases by famous physicians in New Element at the highest level, providing users with high-end chronic disease management services.
Chronic disease mall in New Element will include the most advanced screening technologies (including function screening, tumor screening, gene screening, Chinese medical body identification screening, and other chronic disease screening) and various high-end intervention measures (includingvarious nutrients, exercise recommendations, sleeping products, etc.).
In the chronic disease mall, screening, rehabilitation, sleep, nutrient, and mental sector will be opened, and complete sets of monitoring devices will be equipped, and at the same time, experts will provide services. The high-end MALL will provide users with high-end screening and evaluation and high-end interventionsolutions. According to criteria for diseases and population, New Element classifies chronic disease management services into eight categories of prescriptions: nutrient prescription, exercise prescription, sleep prescription, mental prescription, smoking and drinking prescription, Chinese medical prescription, rehabilitation prescription and standardized Western medical prescription.
Before intervention solutions, the Health Management Committee in New Element will provide screening and evaluation under the guidance of experts, and during intervention, it will provide long-term monitoring, and then customize personalized intervention solutions.